S.S Dental
Add: 108-110# Tinghu Rd, shentzhou, zhejiang, china

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Every day in our office we speak with our patients to answer any questions that they may have regarding the health and maintenance of their oral condition.

Listed below for your reference are the five questions that we are asked most often. If you would like to discuss any of these questions in more detail or if you have dental questions of your own, we invite you to call us at 86-0575-83603318.

1. Why is it important that I visit my dentist every 6 months?

We recommend that patients visit our office at least twice each year to ensure their optimal oral health and to help avoid serious and costly future problems. In addition to cleaning and polishing all the visible and hidden surfaces of your teeth, we also check for many potential problems. Tooth decay, oral cancer and periodontal (gum) disease are just a few examples of problems that can have serious consequences if left undetected. In certain cases, we may even recommend 3 or 4 visits per year in order to properly treat conditions that require more regular attention.

Maintaining a regular appointment schedule with your dentist isn’t just good for your teeth, it’s an important part of your overall health.

2. How is a mouth guard from my dentist different from one I     buy at a sporting goods store?

High-speed collisions that occur during the play of sports like hockey, football, soccer and basketball can cause serious tooth damage. A professionally fitted mouth-guard is the best defense for any athlete against this. The mouth guards provided in our office are custom-made to perfectly fit the wearer’s teeth which can result in a more comfortable and secure fit. In addition, we use a heavier mouth guard material selected based upon each patient’s individual needs. The boil and bite mouth-guards that you purchase in retail stores simply can not provide the same level of protection.

3. How Can I Fix My Chipped Teeth?

Chipped teeth should always be evaluated by a dentist to ensure the damage is assessed correctly. Depending on the size and location of the chip, there are a number of solutions available:

Enamel Shaping
A reshaping of the tooth to smooth out small chips.
A quick solution for small chips that can be done in one visit. The dentist bonds a tooth-colored resin to the chipped area to mask the chip.
Custom-made porcelain veneers are fitted to your teeth to cover imperfections, including chips. Crowns would be used for larger chips
Crowns cover the chewing surface of a tooth and are best suited to chips in the molars. Like veneers, they are custom-fitted to your teeth.

Talk to us today about the best option for natural-looking repairs of your chipped teeth.

4. What Options Are Available for Whitening My Teeth?

Teeth whitening is one of the fastest and easiest ways to brighten your smile. The whitening options available in your dentist’s office generally include in-office treatments and at-home kits.

In-office treatments use a special bleach and a source of heat or light to activate the bleach. Noticeable differences can usually be seen within an hour of an in-office treatment. At-home kits involve a tray that is custom-fitted to your teeth and holds a special bleaching gel, provided by your dentist. You wear the tray for a prescribed length of time each day.

Whitening should always be done under the supervision of a dentist. We can rule out any underlying causes for the discolouration of your teeth and we can help you choose the whitening option that will best achieve your desired results.

5. What is Periodontal Disease and How Can I Avoid It?

Periodontal or gum disease is caused by a buildup of bacteria at the gumline. This bacteria, called plaque, eventually hardens into tartar. When the tartar is not removed, it can lead to an infection that may eventually break down the gum tissue and spread to the underlying bone.

In extreme cases, teeth can loosen and fall out. Bacteria can also enter the bloodstream through the gums and lead to other serious health problems

Good oral hygiene can help prevent gum disease, but regular dental check-ups are essential to early detection, especially in those with a family history of the disease.

When detected, gum disease can be treated. In its early stages, your dentist may recommend a thorough cleaning and improved oral hygiene routine. In later stages, you may be referred to periodontist.

With regular dental check-ups and excellent oral hygiene, you can keep your gums and teeth in optimum health. Talk to us to learn more.